AE 04: NYC flights + data wrangling
Exercise 1
Your turn: Fill in the blanks:
The flights
data frame has ___ rows. Each row represents a ___.
Exercise 2
Your turn: What are the names of the variables in flights
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Exercise 3 - select()
- Demo: Make a data frame that only contains the variables
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- Demo: Make a data frame that keeps every variable except
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- Demo: Make a data frame that includes all variables between
(inclusive). These are all variables that provide information about the departure of each flight.
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- Demo: Use the
to make a data frame that includes the variables associated with the arrival, i.e., contains the string"arr\_"
in the name.
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Exercise 4 - slice()
- Demo: Display the first five rows of the
data frame.
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- Demo: Display the last two rows of the
data frame.
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Exercise 5 - arrange()
- Demo: Let’s arrange the data by departure delay, so the flights with the shortest departure delays will be at the top of the data frame.
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- Question: What does it mean for the
to have a negative value?
Add your response here.
- Demo: Arrange the data by descending departure delay, so the flights with the longest departure delays will be at the top.
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- Your turn: Create a data frame that only includes the plane tail number (
), carrier (carrier
), and departure delay for the flight with the longest departure delay. What is the plane tail number (tailnum
) for this flight?
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Exercise 6 - filter()
- Demo: Filter for all rows where the destination airport is RDU.
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- Demo: Filter for all rows where the destination airport is RDU and the arrival delay is less than 0.
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- Your turn: Describe what the code is doing in words.
Add response here.
flights filter(
%in% c("RDU", "GSO"),
dest < 0 | dep_delay < 0
arr_delay )
# A tibble: 6,203 × 19
year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <int>
1 2013 1 1 800 810 -10 949 955
2 2013 1 1 832 840 -8 1006 1030
3 2013 1 1 851 851 0 1032 1036
4 2013 1 1 917 920 -3 1052 1108
5 2013 1 1 1024 1030 -6 1204 1215
6 2013 1 1 1127 1129 -2 1303 1309
7 2013 1 1 1157 1205 -8 1342 1345
8 2013 1 1 1317 1325 -8 1454 1505
9 2013 1 1 1449 1450 -1 1651 1640
10 2013 1 1 1505 1510 -5 1654 1655
# ℹ 6,193 more rows
# ℹ 11 more variables: arr_delay <dbl>, carrier <chr>, flight <int>,
# tailnum <chr>, origin <chr>, dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>,
# hour <dbl>, minute <dbl>, time_hour <dttm>
Hint: Logical operators in R:
operator | definition |
< |
is less than? |
<= |
is less than or equal to? |
> |
is greater than? |
>= |
is greater than or equal to? |
== |
is exactly equal to? |
!= |
is not equal to? |
x & y |
is x AND y? |
x \| y |
is x OR y? | |
is x NA? |
! |
is x not NA? |
x %in% y |
is x in y? |
!(x %in% y) |
is x not in y? |
!x |
is not x? (only makes sense if x is TRUE or FALSE ) |
Exercise 7 - count()
- Demo: Create a frequency table of the destination locations for flights from New York.
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- Demo: In which month was there the fewest number of flights? How many flights were there in that month?
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- Your turn: On which date (month + day) was there the largest number of flights? How many flights were there on that day?
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Exercise 8 - mutate()
- Demo: Convert
(minutes in the air) to hours and then create a new variable,mph
, the miles per hour of the flight.
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- Your turn: First, count the number of flights each month, and then calculate the proportion of flights in each month. What proportion of flights take place in July?
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- Demo: Create a new variable,
, which indicates whether the flight is to RDU or not. Then, for each departure airport (origin
), calculate what proportion of flights originating from that airport are to RDU.
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Exercise 9 - summarize()
- Demo: Find mean arrival delay for all flights.
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Exercise 10 - group_by()
- Demo: Find mean arrival delay for for each month.
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- Your turn: What is the median departure delay for each airports around NYC (
)? Which airport has the shortest median departure delay?
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Additional Practice
Try these on your own, either in class if you finish early, or after class.
- Create a new dataset that only contains flights that do not have a missing departure time. Include the columns
, anddep_delay_hours
(the departure delay in hours). Hint: Note you may need to usemutate()
to make one or more of these variables.
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- For each airplane (uniquely identified by
), use agroup_by()
paired withsummarize()
to find the sample size, mean, and standard deviation of flight distances. Then include only the top 5 and bottom 5 airplanes in terms of mean distance traveled per flight in the final data frame.
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